Independent Midwife

event medic

I am Jane Ashwell-Carter, an Independent Midwife in Hertfordshire.  I own Hertfordshire Independent Midwifery Practice and cover Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridge, Milton Keynes, parts of Essex and Northamptonshire. I am passionate about offering evidence-based care and information, enabling you to confidently make informed decisions that are right for yourself and your family situation throughout this exciting journey.

I am a keen motorcyclist, Mum of five and all round birth geek.  I aim to support our clients in the best and safest way that THEY want. I offer insured part care packages. Please get in touch if you would like antenatal and postnatal care , NIPE at home or for other IMs, online pregnancy support, pool hire, fit to fly letters or placenta encapsulation. I can support freebirth clients with birth registration, NIPE and bloodspot screening if required.

In my spare time I’ll be riding my bikes, wielding a spanner, drinking coffee and reading Bukowski, or taking an afternoon nap.